We live in a world of polarization and either/or thinking. Progressive or conservative, traditional or modern, religious or secular. This list is never-ending. Too often, this either/or thinking causes us to think wrongly about our faith. We create boundaries that are man-made and make dichotomies where Jesus intended tension. What if the answer to being a faithful Christian in a world of polarization is not to adopt “this-or-that” but to faithfully embrace “this-and-that” as we love God AND our neighbors?

09.06.20 Affirm & Critique

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

09.13.20 Grace & Truth

by Pastor Marcus Lane

09.20.20 Faith & Reason

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

09.27.20 Honor & Accountability

by Pastor Marcus Lane

10.04.20 Biblical Values & Social Justice

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

10.11.20 Glocal & Local

by Pastor Marcus Lane

10.18.20 Sinner & Saint

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

10.25.20 Law & Gospel

by Pastor Marcus Lane